Howard Glick

Adam’s Book Store

Howard Glick is listed in Epstein's black book on page 73.

Epstein recorded 3 phone numbers and 1 address under this name.

The main address for this entry is in Georgetown, US.

Jeffrey Epstein's black book page 73

Recommended reading

The Franklin Scandal

The Franklin Scandal

A suspected pedophile network was revealed when the FBI raided Lawrence E. King's credit union in Nebraska. Nick Bryant has studied the case and concludes there was a cover-up ordered from above. A detailed investigation with lots of background material is covered in this book.

Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy

Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy

The alledged Epstein associate and media mogul Robert Maxwell who routinely stole funds from his employees' pension fund died under mysterious circumstances in 1991. He dealt with intelligence agencies such as the CIA, KGB, and Mossad in his life and was given an honorable burial in Israel despite living his adult life in London. Robert is the father of infamous Ghislaine Maxwell, who acted as Epstein's fbw and ice cold recruiter slash side kick.

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